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Connect Google Cloud manually


This topic provides a step-by-step guide to establish a connection between your Google Cloud project/s and the Upwind platform.

By establishing this connection, you enable Upwind to detect Kubernetes clusters and cloud resources within your project, integrate it with the Upwind platform, and gain access to Google Cloud APIs. This access enables the collection of contextual information, which enriches Detections and Findings of security threats in your environment.

To facilitate this process, we will utilize Google Cloud Console. Through the console, we will create the resources and configurations necessary for establishing the connection between Google Cloud and the Upwind platform.


Before proceeding, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Google Cloud Requirements. Confirm that you have met all common prerequisites as outlined in the overview documentation. For more detailed information, refer to the Prerequisites section.


  1. Login to your desired Google Cloud Project
  2. Create a Service Account:
    1. Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts and create service account.
    2. Name your service account
    3. For the newly created Service Account select the role of viewer to be assigned within the project.
  3. Service account key:
    1. Create and download a new service account key.
    2. Upload the service account key to the Upwind Management Console.

Next Steps

After establishing a connection to your Google Cloud Project(s), Upwind will populate an inventory of all compute resources and show which resources are Unprotected.

To connect a Kubernetes cluster with Upwind, follow the instructions provided in the console: Connect a Kubernetes cluster

To connect a Linux host with Upwind, follow the instructions provided in the console: Connect a host .