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Microsoft Azure

  1. An Upwind account with an associated client credentials.
  2. Admin access to the cloud provider's deployment tools, such as Microsoft Azure Run Command, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Systems Manager, or Google Cloud (GCP) OS Patch Management.

There are two prerequisites for installing the Upwind Sensor on Microsoft Azure:

  1. The Microsoft Azure CLI must be installed on the machine you are using to install the Upwind Sensor.
  2. The Microsoft Azure CLI must be logged into an Azure account that has access to the VM(s) that you are installing the Upwind Sensor on.

Virtual Machines Scale Sets using Microsoft Azure Run Command

The following script gets the IDs of all the instances in the scale set and then runs the Upwind installation command on each instance:

az vmss list-instances \
--resource-group <resource_group_name> \
--name <virtual_machine_scalesets_id> \
--query "[].id" \
--output tsv | \

az vmss run-command invoke \
--command-id RunShellScript \
--ids @- \
--scripts 'curl -fSsl | \
UPWIND_CLIENT_ID=<redacted> \
bash -s'

Virtual Machines using Microsoft Azure Run Command

  1. Run the Upwind installation command using Microsoft Azure Run Command:
az vm run-command invoke \
--resource-group <resource_group_name> \
--name <virtual_machine_name> \
--command-id RunShellScript \
--scripts 'curl -fSsl | \
UPWIND_CLIENT_ID=<redacted> \
bash -s'

Installation with Ansible

For automated deployment, you can use Ansible to install the Upwind Sensor on your Azure VMs. Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Ansible Environment: Ensure you have Ansible installed and configured on your system.

  2. Configure Ansible Playbook: Edit the ansible/upwind.yaml file to specify the target hosts and roles:

- hosts: azurevms
- { role: upwind, become: yes }
  1. Set Up Hosts File: In the ansible/hosts/hosts file, define your Azure VMs and credentials:
ansible_user = <USER_NAME>
ansible_ssh_private_key_file = <PATH_TO_PEM>

localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=<PATH_TO_PYTHON_INTERPRETER>

<HOST_NAME> ansible_ssh_user=<USER_NAME> ansible_host=<IP>
  1. Run the Playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts/hosts upwind.yaml -vvv

The playbook includes a task to install the Upwind Sensor:

- name: 'Install sensor'
shell: 'curl -s | UPWIND_CLIENT_ID="${UPWIND_CLIENT_ID}" \
warn: false

Ensure you replace <USER_NAME>, <PATH_TO_PEM>, <PATH_TO_PYTHON_INTERPRETER>, <HOST_NAME>, and <IP> with your specific Azure VM details.


Read the Troubleshooting guide for more information on how to troubleshoot the Upwind Sensor installation.