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This topic provides instructions for upgrading the Upwind components in an ECS cluster using the Amazon Fargate launch type. Upwind provides newer versions so you can keep your environment up-to-date. Newer versions can include bug fixes, security enhancements, and other improvements for the Upwind componenets.


Follow the detailed steps corresponding to your original installation method:

If you previously installed the Upwind components using a Terraform module, follow these steps to upgrade them:

  1. Navigate to the directory for your Terraform project in your terminal. This directory contains your current Terraform configuration.

    cd /path/to/my-terraform-project
  2. Open the file within this directory.

  3. Locate the aws_ecs_fargate module block within the file. Update the source variable to point to the new module source path. For example:

    module "aws_ecs_fargate" {
    source = "[OLD].tar.gz"
    source = "[NEW].tar.gz"

    The URL of the latest module source can be found in the Upwind Management Console . All Terraform modules will be migrated to the Terraform Registry in the future, allowing the use of Version Constraints .

  4. Before proceeding, ensure that your configuration settings are tailored to your environment. This includes network configurations and compatibility settings specific to your ECS cluster setup.

  5. Run the following command to initialize Terraform within the project directory:

    terraform init -upgrade
  6. Run the following command to apply the Terraform configuration and update the necessary resources:

    terraform apply
  7. Review the changes that Terraform plans to make and enter yes when prompted to confirm the changes. Terraform will update the necessary infrastructure and resources in your AWS account to upgrade the Upwind components, based on the provided configuration.

  8. Once the terraform apply command has successfully executed, the necessary infrastructure and resources should be upgraded within a few moments. A success message will appear in the console to indicate the successful upgrade of the Upwind components.

Test Connectivity

To verify the connectivity of your ECS cluster, run the following command:

aws ecs describe-services \
--cluster [your-cluster-name] \
--services upwind-cluster-manager

Expected Output:

"ServiceName": "upwind-cluster-manager",
"ServiceStatus": "ACTIVE",
"DesiredCount": 1,
"RunningCount": 1,
"DeploymentStatuses": ["PRIMARY"],
"DeploymentsCount": 1
ServiceStatusEnsure ServiceStatus is ACTIVE for both services.
DesiredCount and RunningCount for upwind-cluster-managerEnsure both counts are equal, typically set to 1.
DeploymentStatusesEnsure all deployments have PRIMARY status, and the DeploymentCount matches the expected number.


If you encounter issues during deployment or operation, consult the Troubleshooting guide for solutions and best practices.